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ZK Statin Plus
A Family Company

ZK Statin Plus (ZKSP) is a family-owned biotech company formed in 2021 to develop a method to prevent in obese subjects the side effects of statins while also enhancing their abilities to lower LDL-cholesterol and, in particular, high levels of triglyceride. While statins have powerful effects on reducing LDL-cholesterol, unfortunately many statin users abandon their use due to experiencing some side effects such as muscle damage/pain and a significant risk of developing diabetes. In addition, statins are not sufficiently effective in reducing high levels of triglyceride in obese subjects.

ZKSP has been developing a human protein (ZKPr) to alleviate the side effects of statins while safely increasing their efficacy primarily in obese subjects. Based on experiments with obese mice, the prime effect of ZKPr is to greatly (80-90%) reduce excess visceral fat which is metabolically related to diabetes and the reduction of muscle proteins (resulting in muscle weakness), both events being further exacerbated by statins and reversed by ZKPr. Obesity also leads to high serum contents of triglycerides and cholesterol that are reversed by the combined actions of statin and ZKPr more effectively than by statin alone.